Growtech Agri Science Private Limited

Bio Fertilizer

Leading Manufacturers, Exporters and Wholesaler of Grow Avail Phosphate Solubilizing Bio Fertilizer, Grow Bacter Azotobacter Bio Fertilizer, Grow Complex Azospirillum Bio Fertilizer, Grow Fix Rhizobium Bio Fertilizer, Grow Line Up Zinc Solubilizing Bio Fertilizer, Grow Natural Acetobacter Bio Fertilizer, Grow Touch Potassium Mobilizing Bio Fertilizer, Grow Consortia Liquid and Carrier Based Bio Fertilizer and Grow Phyton Endomycorrhiza Bio Fertilizer from Indore.

Business Type Manufacturer, Exporter, Supplier
Brand Name Growtech
Shelf Life 1 year
Benefits All field crops, etc
Pack Type PP Bottle
Used For Converting Insoluble Phosphorus Into Soluble Phosphates
Packaging Details 500 ml / 1 Litre in liquid form.
500 gm / 1 kg in powder form.

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Grow Avail is responsible for converting insoluble phosphorus into soluble phosphates and makes it available to the plants. Generally, phosphate solubilizing micro-organisms can enzymatically mineralize organic phosphorus into its soluble form.
Method OF Application
Soil application - Mix 1litre of Grow Avail with 100kg of well-decomposed farmyard manure. Blend welland broadcast it over one acre of land before last ploughing or first irrigation. In the case of drip/drench, 2 litre/acre should be sufficient.

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Business Type Manufacturer, Exporter, Supplier
Application Agriculture
State Liquid, Powder
Purity 100%
Brand Name Growtech
Pack Type PP Bottle & Box
Packaging Details 500 ml / 1 Litre in liquid form.
500 gm / 1 kg in powder form.

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Grow Bacter is a free living nitrogen fixing bacterium. It lives in association with plant roots and fixes atmospheric nitrogen in readily available form to plants. It is a high respiring organism and hence works well in soils having sufficient organic matter. It is also known for synthesis of biologically active growth  promoting substances like hormones and vitamins, etc. and also possesses fungistatic properties.


  • Manages soil borne plant pathogens
  •  Increases yield up to 30%
  •  Has the ability to produce plant growth promoting substances.
  •  To increases vitamin C content in tomato.
  •  To increases dry matter production
Method Of Application
  • Seed Treatment -Take 5-7 ml/gm of Grow Bacter formulation and properly mix it  with 1kg of Seeds  and dry under the shade for half an hour before sowing.     
  • Soil Application - Mix 1 L/kg of Grow Bacter in 100kg of well-decomposed farmyard manure. Once mixed well, broadcast it over one acre of land before last ploughing or first irrigation.

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Business Type Manufacturer, Exporter, Supplier
Application Agriculture
Purity 100%
Brand Name Growtech
Pack Type Pp Bottle
Used for Crops Like Cereals, Millets, Forage Crops and Vegetables, Etc
Type Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixing Bacterium
Packaging Details 500 ml / 1 Litre in liquid form.
500 gm / 1 kg in powder form.

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Grow complex is a common soil inhabitant of tropics. It is an associative symbiotic nitrogen fixing bacterium. The organisms form associative symbiosis with many plants particularly with those having the C4 - dicarboxyliac pathway of photosynthesis. It fixes nitrogen in the roots of many non-leguminous crops like cereals, millets, forage crops and vegetables, etc. Besides fixing nitrogen,it also produces growth promoting substances/hormones such as indole acetic acid, gibberellins, pantothenic acid, thiamine and niacin required for vegetativegrowth of the plants. Moreover, it promotes root proliferation and improves the plant growth and yield. Grow Complex increases the rootlet density and root branching resulting in the increased uptake of mineral and water.
  • Increases yield up to 10-30%
  • Increases the root let density and root branching/root biomass
  • It can supply 20-40kg of nitrogen per hectare per season
  • Fixes atmospheric nitrogen and produces phytohormones


Doses/Method of Application
  • Seed treatment - Take 3-5 ml/gm of Grow Complex and properly mix it with 1kg of seeds and dry it under the shade for half an hour before sowing. 
  • Seedling dip/Sett treatment/planting material - Take 100ml/gm of Grow Complex and dissolve in 80-100 liters of water. Mix it using a clean bamboo stick and then dip the planting material in this solution for 30 minutes before using it in the field.
  • Soil Application - Take 1 L/kg of Grow Complex and mix it with 100-150kg well-decomposed farmyard manure. Broadcast it over one acre of land before last ploughing or first irrigation.
  • Seedling dip/Sett treatment/planting material -  Take 100ml/gm of Grow Complex and dissolve in 80-100 liters of water. Mix it using a clean bamboo stick and then dip the planting material in this solution for 30 minutes before using it in the field.
  • Soil Application - Take 1 L/kg of Grow Complex and mix it with 100-150kg well-decomposed farmyard manure. Broadcast it over one acre of land before last ploughing or first irrigation.

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Business Type Manufacturer, Exporter, Supplier
Application Agriculture
State Liquid, Powder
Purity 100%
Brand Name Growtech
Pack Type PP Bottle & Box
Packaging Details 500 ml / 1 Litre in liquid form.
500 gm / 1 kg in powder form.

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Grow Fix is a modulating type of bacterium associating symbiotically with the root of the legume plants.It fixes nitrogen after becoming established inside root nodules of legumes. It produces nodules and multiplies in it. These nodules act as a factory for ammonia production. The legumes and their symbiotic association with the rhizobium result in the formation of root nodules that fix atmospheric nitrogen.
  • Increases root nodulation.
  • Increases yield up to 25-30%.
  • Increases the percentage of germination.
  • Provides resistance against drought.
  • Fixes atmospheric nitrogen in the range of 40-250kg N/ha/year the soil.
  • Helps in accumulation of micronutrients like P, K, Ca, Mg and Fe, etc.
  • Makes endophytic association with non-leguminous plants such as rice, wheat, maize,barley, millets and other cereal and increases crop yield.
Method of Application/Dose
  • Seed treatment - Take 3-5 ml/gm of Grow Fix and mix it with 1kg of seeds. Mix it well and dry it under a shade for half an hour before sowing. 
  • Soil Application -Mix 1-1.5 L/kg of Grow Fix to 75-100kg of well-decomposed farmyard manure. Once properly mixed, broadcast it over one acre of land before last ploughing or first irrigation.

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Business Type Manufacturer, Exporter, Supplier
Application Agriculture
Purity 100%
Brand Name Growtech
Benefited crops All crops
Form Liquid
Packaging Details 500 ml / 1 Litre in liquid form.
500 gm / 1 kg in powder form.

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Grow Line up is a good alternative for Zinc supplements. It is potential plant growth promoting Rhizobacteria.Zinc is an essential micronutrient for microorganisms and plants. It is facultative thermophilic iron oxidizers solubilise Zinc from Sulphide ore i.e Sphalerite. Naturally thiobacilli are obligate. Therefore, Thiobacillus thiooxidans/Ferrooxidans, contribute towards sustaining plant – microbe interaction.
Method Of Application
  • Foliar Application - Mix 3-4 ml/gm of Grow Line up with one litre of water and spray it during the evening.
  • Soil Application - Take 1.5-2.0 L /kg solution and mix it with 100 kg well-decomposed FYM and incubate if needed. Finally, broadcast it over one acre land before last ploughing, first irrigation or during moderate moisture level in the cultivated area.

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Business Type Manufacturer, Exporter, Supplier
Application Agriculture
Purity 100%
Brand Name Growtech
Benefited Crop All crops
Form Liquid & Powder
Pack Type PP Bottle & Box
Packaging Details 500 ml / 1 Litre in liquid form.
500 gm / 1 kg in powder form.

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Grow Natural is nitrogen fixing obligate aerobe and this bacterium can fix Nitrogen up to 15kg/ha/year. Plant growth promoting species are commonly used to improve crop yield, as plant secretes the growth promoting hormones IAA that enhances germination and root development, and ultimately helps in absorption of plant nutrients. It is also capable of enhancing growth & yield of many plant species several of agronomic and ecological significance. Naturally, it is best adopted endo-phytically in sugarcane  ecosystem and can tolerate high sucrose concentration. Now a days, it is a counter medicine for cash  crops specially sugarcane.


Method Of Application-
  • Seed Treatment - Take 1-2 ml/gm and mix it with 1kg of seed properly. Dry it under the shade for 1 hour before sowing.
  • Seedling/Setts/Cuttings Dipping - Take 100ml/gm of Grow Natural and properly mix it with sufficient quantity of water. Then dip the subject material.
  • Soil treatment - Take 1L/kg of solution and mix it with 100kg well decomposed FYM & incubate as per your need. Finally, broadcast it over one acre of land before last ploughing, first irrigation or during moderate moisture level in cultivated area.

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Business Type Manufacturer, Exporter, Supplier
Application Agriculture
State Liquid
Purity 100%
Brand Name Growtech
Shelf Life 1 Year
Packaging Details 500 ml / 1 Litre in liquid form.
500 gm / 1 kg in powder form.

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It mobilizes the potash present in the soil and makes it available to the plant uptake. It is capable of mobilizing Potash in all types of soil and increases the yield up to 20-25% in all seasonal crops.
  • Promotes photosynthesis as well as improves plant growth parameters.
  • Increases drought tolerance, accelerates the growth of meristmetic tissue.
  • Catalyzes the activity of some enzymes.
  • Increases the nitrogen uptake & protein synthesis. 
  • Reduces chemical fertilizer cost up to 55-60%, 
  • Produces organic acids, to release plant growth, promotes substances like IAA/Ga. 
  • Reduces soil borne plant pathogens etc.
Method OF Application
  • Seed Treatment - Mix 7-10 ml/gm of seed with Arabica gum/Jaggery as per your need and after treatment, dry it under the shade for up to 30 minutes.
  • Seedling/Setts/Rhizome Dipping - Mix 250ml/gm in 50 litres of water & dip the seedlings for 40  minutes.
  • Foliar Application - Mix 500 ml/gm of Grow Touch with 200 litres of water and spray it during  the  evening,
  • Soil treatment - Take 1 L/kg of Grow Touch and mix with 100-150kg well decomposed FYM/Vermi compost/Sand/Soil. Broadcast it over one acre of land at the time of sowing or first   ploughing at moderate moisture level in the field.

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Grow Consortia Liquid and Carrier Based Bio Fertilizer

Get Best Price
Business Type Manufacturer, Exporter, Supplier
Type Fertilizer
Uses Agriculture
Shelf Life 1 Year
Brand Name Growtech
Pack Type PP Bottle
Packaging Details 500 ml / 1 Litre in liquid form.
500 gm / 1 kg in powder form.

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Grow Consortia is highly beneficial for soil-fertility management, integrated diseases management, nutrient management, pest management and biological nitrogen fixation activity.
  • Helps to uptake nutrients from the soil
  • Ensures early seed-germination, improves crop-growth and vigor
  • Reduces the use of inorganic fertilizer (N, P, K) requirement by 25%
  • Enhances the yield by 10 to 20% for different types of crops
  • Best suited for all economically important field crops
  • Ubiquitous in nature and of great importance to humans
Method of Application
  • Mix 3ml/gm of Grow Consortia with 5ml jiggery solution to treat 1kg of seeds.
  • Mix well to achieve a uniform coating. 
  • Dry under shade for 30 minutes. 
  • Sow within 24 hours.

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Grow Phyton Endomycorrhiza Bio Fertilizer

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Business Type Manufacturer, Exporter, Supplier
Application Agriculture
Purity 100%
Brand Name Growtech
Pack Type PP Bucket & Bag
Shelf Life 1 Year
Packaging Details 500 ml / 1 Litre in liquid form.
500 gm / 1 kg in powder form.

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Grow Phyton is a mutualistic symbiotic soil fungi that does not cause root diseases. Instead,it benefits the host plants. The Mycorrhizal fungi form colonies on the roots of the host plant to complete life cycles. It also increases the ability of plants to absorb water and necessary nutrients such as P, K, Cu, Zn, S, N2, Ca, Al, Mg, Mn, Fe, etc. It reduces the use of synthetic fertilizer P by20-30%.  Absence of Mycorrhiza, in certain fields, results in poor growth and plant stunting.

Benefits :

  • Mycorrhizae increase the phosphorous uptake from low phosphorous soil and protect the roots   against conditions like drought, plant pathogen, adverse pH, low nutrition, adverse temperature, etc.
  • Makesfeeder root more resistant to infection by soil fungi suchas phytophthora,pythium,fusarium   species and nematodes.
  • Allows the population of beneficial soil organism to maintain a higher count
  • Recognized as an effective and potential nutrients recycling bio fertilizer,  called NAVRATNA for   plant/soil health
  • Safe for environment, animal and human beings

Method of application :

  • Seed treatment - 3-7 gm per kg. seeds (depending on seed size)
  • Seedling/dipping - 100gm per 50 litre of water
  • Drip irrigation - 100-200gm per acre
  • Soil application - Take 4kg of Grow phyton granules and mix it with 300kg of well-decomposed farmyard  manure/friable cultivated soil/sand/vermin-cast and broadcast it over one acre of land before first irrigation.

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