Mode of action
C-7 is a combination of natural antiviral and growth promoter. On one hand, it acts as an antiviral. It enters the cells and involves in cell division process, thereby preventing the virus from entering into the new cells. On the other hand, it also acts as a growth promoter and accelerates healthy growth, so that the new canopy comes healthy and virus free.
Effective For
Chilli, Capsicum PVY, Cucumber Mosaic Virus, Tomato Mosaic Virus, Tomato Leaf Curl Virus, Tomato Spotted Wilt, Watermelon and other Cucurbitaceous crops, Bud Necrosis, Virus of Papaya, ring Spot Virus, Leaf Curl Mosaic Virus, Bhindi (Okra) Yellow Vein Mosaic Virus, little Leaf of Brinjal and other viruses that are found in common crops.
Advantages of C-7
C-7 increases resistant power in plants against viral diseases. It helps the plants to uplift the nutrients from the soil. C-7 increases the pollen number in the flower and modifies them to fruits in a speedy manner. The product increases the chlorophyll content and growth of the plants. It assists the growth process of new buds and leaves from the plants. C-7 stops flower shedding and develops the natural size, colour, taste and quality of the fruits.
Recommended Crops -C-7 can be sprayed on all crops.
- Field Crops - Paddy, Wheat, Groundnut, Cotton, Gram, Soybean, Green gram, Tobacco.
- Vegetables - Tomato, Chilli, Capsicum, Brinjal, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Leafy Vegetables, Beans, Potato, Onion, Garlic, Okra, Cucurbitaceous Vegetables etc.
- Flowers - Roses, Marigold, Anthurium, Carnation, Jasmine, Lily etc.
- Horticultural Crops - Papaya, Orange, Grapes, Pomegranate, Citrus, Strawberry, Mango, Apple, Tea, Coffee etc.